Governance Pillar
Overarching Goal – The Governance Pillar strives to achieve the Adams Lake Indian Band’s Vision. An area being researched at this time is the feasibility of restoring a more traditional governance framework by developing laws, structures and processes. ALIB is dedicated to laying the groundwork for self-governance.
The T&R Department provides technical support to the ALIB Chief and Council for proposed projects within traditional territories. Secwepemc people must work collectively to protect and defend our title and rights in our traditional lands.
Sexqéltkemc te Secwepemc (STS)
Sexqéltkemc te Secwepemc (People of the Shuswap Lakes Region) are the original caretakers of the land from Sts’xum (Monte Creek) to the Rocky Mountains and now known as the 5 Bands: Neskonlith, Adams Lake, Little Shuswap, Splatsin, and Shuswap. STS, historically, was set up as a geo-political unit that occupied and governed over our traditional territories.
At the time the federal government established Indian Reserves in our territory, many of the governance functions of the original STS organization became splintered, effectively ending a collective decision-making political process. STS is now being transformed and is rebuilding, with the intent of un-doing over 150 years of oppression and disenfranchisement at the hands of a foreign government.
The Sexqéltkemc te Secwepemc Lakes Division (Secwepemc People of the Lakes Region) is a coalition of the Neskonlith, Splatsin, and Adams Lake Indian Bands. In 2009, the member bands signed a STS Lakes Division Resource Sharing Protocol. The STS Lakes Division was formed to aid in the assertion of Aboriginal Title and Rights throughout their traditional territory. The STS Lakes Division will apply a multi-faceted approach in achieving their goal of re-instating themselves as stewards and keepers of Secwepemcúlecw.
Secwépemc Reconciliation Agreement
Signed April 10, 2013, between the Province and Tk’emlups te Secwepemc and Skeetchestn Indian Band (hereinafter the Stk’emlúpsemc te Secwepemc Nation), Adams Lake Indian Band, Neskonlith Indian Band and Splats’in Indian Band (hereinafter the Sexqéltkemc te Secwepemc Nation or ‘Lakes Division’), and Simpcw First Nation designed to provide a table for Reconciliation discussions between the Province of BC and the Signatory Communities.
The Title and Rights Department will assess all referrals for significance and will ensure those that impact ALIB Title and Rights are responded to appropriately.
Culture and Heritage
The Title and Rights department will ensure that all proposed projects will have the appropriate response to protect ALIB.
Specific Claims
Various Trespasses on our reserve lands are being investigated within the Specific Claims Process.
Legal cases such as the Delgamuukw and Tsilhqot’in, as well as our own Jules Litigation case have established important legal precedents that guide many of our current political approaches and initiatives.