Recent Developments
The Health & Wellness team has prepared for an increase in population and a need for more and varied health programs by seeking various funding sources, e.g. federal government, provincial government, private agencies, etc.
New developments that have been recently implemented:
The Health and Wellness team is continually working to provide high quality services to community members. We work within Accreditation Canada standards to promote quality health and wellness services and a culture of safety.
ALIB Lifecare
Regular telehealth services are provided on Fridays between the hours of 1-4pm. Doctors, nurses, health specialists, and other professionals are available through the Livecare telehealth services set up at the Health and Wellness Centre. Phone 250-679-7726 to set up a Livecare telehealth appointment.
ALIB Early Years Centre
The proposed Early Years Centre will introduce initiatives that promote a positive childhood. The grand opening is scheduled for the Fall of 2016. The ALIB Early Years Centre will offer resources and referrals to families of Children ages 0-6 years old.
The Health and Wellness Centre is in the planning stages for a much needed expansion! This expansion will provide additional space to provide for a growing health workforce and allow us to better serve the community.