12 events found.
ALIB Skateboard WS with Skate Nation May 6 & 7.
ALIB Skateboard WS with Skate Nation May 6 & 7.png
CANCELLED Elders Fundraising BINGO
Discovery Day Open House T & R May 8 ALRCC Chase BC
Discovery Day Open House T R May 8 ALRCC Chase BC.pdf
S.C.I.A BBQ Drum Party
SCIA BBQ May 8th .pdf
Naloxone Training
2023 May 9 Naloxone Training.pdf
Naloxone Training kit May 3 and 9
Naloxone Training kit May 3 and 9
ALIB 4 plex Open House
ALIB 4 plex Open House May 10 Chase BC.pdf
Women’s Hiking Group
Women's Hiking Group Poster May 2023.jpg
Bear Witness Day May 10 3pm ALRCC, Chase BC
Bear Witness Day May 10 3pm ALRCC Chase BC.pdf
ALIB Community Grandmothers Circle
Revised ALIB Community Grandmother Circle second Thurs month Chase and Salmon Arm .pdf
End Violence Against Women & Children
Moose Hide Campaign Day.pdf
Secwépemc Landmarks Tsqúqw7e Sculpture Unveiling Celebration
Tsquqw7e Unveiling May 13png.png