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Title and Rights

The Title and Rights department supports Adams Lake Indian Band’s overarching goals and objectives and strives to protect and defend the unextinguished rights of the people of Adams Lake Indian Band.

T&R Overview

T&R Projects

The Title & Rights Mission

Through a First Nations Process and supported by a community process, the Adams Lake Indian Band will succeed in exercising Title and Rights, enhancing our natural resources, economic development and ensuring our Title and Rights are respected thereby continually improving overall quality of life for all band members.

ALIB Title & Rights Principles

ALIB Title and Rights (T&R) Principles guide and serve as a touchstone for ALIB leaders and individuals in land development decisions and other T&R decisions. The principles were developed in a series of strategy sessions which resulted in identifying the following phases:

  1.   We will exercise our rights and jurisdiction to manage the lands by Cstelnec Secwepemc values including informed decision-making and Free, Prior and Informed Consent where required
  2.   We will work to sustain our Secwepemc culture, land and resources with a view to creating a strong Secwepemc people in seven generations.
  3.   We will benefit from our lands in all ways.

T&R Goals

  • The T&R Department will respond effectively and efficiently to referrals in a timely matter that reflects our T&R
  • The T&R Department will develop strategies to most effectively add lands to our control and to exercise our Yecweminte (stewardship) on others.
  • The T&R Department will develop a strategy to effectively educate and involve all membership in matters effecting their T&R.
  • The T&R Department will play a role in developing strategies to work effectively on T&R with the other Shuswap Bands
  • Support ALIB Governance initiatives.

Stay Engaged Calendar





ALIB’s requirements for participation in the Free, Prior and Informed Consent (FPIC) process is somewhat dependent on the nature and extent of the project being proposed; in general, ALIB will seek to provide their Free, Prior and Informed Consent for projects that exist within the heart of ALIB territory and lands identified in the Douglas Claim. Proponents involved in significant projects in any part of ALIB territory also require Free, Prior and Informed Consent from the Band.  ALIB is always concerned with projects that take place in the broader Secwepemc Territory and may seek to be consulted on projects that are outside Secwepemc territory that have the potential to impact ALIB Title and Rights. ALIB has particular interest in all projects that impact water systems within our traditional territories, with an emphasis on the southern section of our traditional territories. ALIB has identified a number of rivers that flow south and fish species that migrate to and from the south.

T&R Departments Staff Positions

Title and Rights Coordinator

Title and Rights Assistant

Title and Rights Cultural Heritage Worker

T&R Information Sessions

Information sessions are held monthly to provide updates on projects being proposed in our traditional territory. Community members are encouraged to attend and to participate in important title and rights discussions. The information sessions are also designed to strengthen two way communications, encourage community engagement, keep community members informed and to encourage input and dialogue.  

Shuttle service is often provided for community members to travel from Salmon Arm to Chase to participate in these sessions.  

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