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Cstélnec Newsletter

Cstélnec (Adams Lake people) Newsletter is a publication that presents notable ALIB news, programs, services, events, gatherings and Chief and Council updates.



A 2015 communications survey determined community members preferred newsletters over other forms of communication to be kept informed of what was going on within Adams Lake Indian Band.

Typically, the newsletter features events, activities, news releases, Chief & Council reports, programs and services, language corner, recipe corner, puzzles, tips and upcoming meetings, to name a few.

Call for Newsletter Articles

We need articles for future additions of the newsletters.  We invite contribution articles from members for short items of news, stories, announcements, recipes, photos, articles, sports groups, youth and elder groups and any other information that would be of interest to our communities. Articles don’t have to be long 50 to 350 words.  We reserve the right to refuse submissions and edit for content and length.  Please share your insights and we look forward to hearing from you.  Please contact the Communications Department.

Newsletter Schedule

The Cstélnec Newsletter is published once a month and is delivered on the last Thursday of each month.  Submission deadline is always the Thursday before, giving one week for newsletter team to design and layout production.

The Cstélnec Newsletter is then circulated serval ways via:  Mass e-mail, Canada Post, home delivery to IR #4 and #6, hard copies are left in several band building office waiting rooms and posted onto our website.

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